Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 18

Its day 18 here in Memphis. The best description of what we're dealing with here was spoken at debriefing last night. Our supervisor said this..."Memphis is a battle that God is winning." You can feel it. You can feel the warfare and hurt that these people are living in. You can taste the defeat that they've been dealing with for years, maybe even a lifetime. It's heart breaking but at the same time it's exciting. It's encouraging to see a generation so ready to be the change. I've spent the last two afternoons at a local community center and I can't even begin to describe that. The kids there were so inviting, welcoming and loving. They would do anything just to have someone to chase around the playground or have a princess club with. It's made me grateful for the family that I have and the neighborhood that I live in but even more than that it's made me ready to step up and change what I can. My afternoon project got changed back to the nursing home which has been quite and experience. It's crazy to go really from one end of the spectrum to another. Working with people at the very beginning of their lives in the morning and then people who might not have that much longer at the end. One of my good friends is Mr. Art. We win bingo and sing Elvis songs. I know you're all probably jealous. I've already learned so much this Summer and I can't wait to keep going. The farmers tan is steadily improving and my Elvis knowledge is growing daily.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Walking in Memphis

This is day twelve in Memphis. God has already been working in ways I can't begin to explain. Working with these kids every day has wrecked my life. Kids that cry when they hear sirens and come to Bible camp with black eyes. Kids who will do anything for a positive word or a quick hug. It's a culture that is so different than everything I'm used to. It's hard for me to understand what keeps these kids going when sometimes the only thing they go home to is an empty house. Looking into their eyes you see brokenness and sadness that would take years to even explain. They need Jesus more than I can understand. God give me strength.