I've been doing a lot of thinking on the matter and finally reached the conclusion that the main thing holding Christians back from being revolutionary is our lack of faith. If we really trusted God with everything we wouldn't be concerned with asking Him "where will I go to school next fall" or "what mission trip am I going on next," we would ask "How can I best glorify You with my life?" We should ask that. It's a humbling thought to know that God doesn't need us. Not at all. He chooses to use us so that we might glorify Him. We can do that through many ways like worship, loving His people and simply living in faith. Since it's the only reason we're still here after getting saved why aren't we doing a better job of that? Why do we still concentrate on outward appearances over the heart? Why do we get caught up in the church's standards opposed to God's? Why do we pay attention to any opinions other than God's?
So many times I catch myself wanting a revolution. Wanting to see this world revolutionized for Jesus Christ. Wanting to see walls broken down in the church and just to see people that love Jesus with all their hearts and aren't afraid to live like it. But we can't sit around waiting for a radical change in life and society as we know it. Revolutions begin with a thought and then action. Revolutions begin when one person takes a stand for what they believe in no matter the cost. They begin when something makes so much sense that you can't help but to forget everything you thought you knew and change the direction your heading.
We know all the right answers. We know about the power and love that God abounds with. We know stories about martyrs who died happy, simply knowing that they had glorified God with their life. What's stopping us from forgetting about everything that people might think of us and living our lives with reckless abandon because we know the Creator of the Universe? What are we waiting for? Sometimes we need to stop looking and waiting for someone to start something and start it ourselves. Put everything aside and live like we love Jesus. We can't wait for a revolution to come along for us to join. We have to be the revolution. Why? Because we have personal relationships with the The Alpha and Omega. The Beginning and The End. The First and the Last. The One that Was, That IS, that Is to Come. Why not?