Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Merry Christmas..?

This year, the Christmas season has left me feeling confused. Out of place. It's so easy during this time of year to fall in to the ways and trends of this worldly place we call home. In a way, its quite disgusting. I know in church I always hear about how Christmas is about Jesus and that's why we give presents. Does that really make sense to anyone? Are we really acting like Christmas is about Jesus? If we were, would we be spending half the amount of money that we have most likely already spent? Would we make Christmas lists and high expectations? I don't believe so.
This Christmas I get to go to Atlanta and hand out bagged meals to my friends. I'm not trying to sound high and mighty, that's just what I feel called to do. Christmas should mean so much more than buying presents. Yes, it's Jesus' "birthday", cool. Do something for HIM! It's not your birthday for goodness sake.

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