Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Eighteen Days...well technically Seventeen

Yesterday morning my dad texted me and said "18 days left!" Thats how many days I have left here in Memphis. It didn't really hit me until I got that text that I have eighteen days to make it count. Eighteen days to give everything I can to God and ask Him to glorify Himself through me. It's been such a great Summer. Such a wonderful learning experience. Meeting people from all over the United States who share a same passion and love for the same awesome God that I do. There have been some long days. Days where the struggles of the children here become way too much for me to handle. Those are the times where I have no other choice than to give everything to God. Those are also the times where I can find myself at rest in His loving arms. I've made so many friends here many of which I believe will remain life-long. God has taught me so much that it would take me hours to even begin to explain. I would like to say that I've grown up a lot this Summer. Been doing my own laundry not to mention leading teams around inner-city Memphis...haha. I miss my family and my friends but I don't even want to begin to think about saying goodbye to my sweet children from Bible clubs or all of my dear friends at the nursing home. That's all I've got here in Memphis at the moment. All the praise and glory be to God!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Katie! I am so excited for everything God has done this summer! I know its going to be tough leaving! I'm really going to be in prayer for your ministry the next 17 days! I look forward to hearing about all the "God things" that happened!