I just realized I haven't written in a long time. I've been sort of busy lately between a benefit concert for Atlanta and then a mission trip to New York City. But let me back up and start with Memphis. As you probably know, God has given me a huge heart for inner city missions. In fact I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's what He wants me to do with my life right now. A few months ago I applied for a sojourners position with the North American Mission Board in Memphis, Tennessee. Two weeks ago I got accepted and I couldn't be more excited! I know God is calling me there and I can't think of spending my Summer in a better way. Here's where it gets crazy...
Three days ago I got back from a mission trip to New York City with the Journey Church. I went with twenty-two students and adults from my church and we stayed at the David Dean House in Brooklyn. The David Dean house was so nice and the owners, Mike and Amanda were more than hospitable. On our first night there I heard Mike mention that he and Amanda had lived in Memphis for a few years before moving to NYC. I asked them if they had heard of Street Reach ministries (where I'm working this Summer) and not only had they heard of it, but they worked there! I was completely speechless and we immediately realized that this was completely a God thing because what are the odds? Needless to say that was a HUGE confirmation from God that I am in His will. That was just the beginning to a wonderful week where I made the following realizations:
1. The people living in New York are no different than the people living anywhere else. They may walk a little bit faster but they're still just people and they have good days and bad days just like we do.
2. If you have a friend that looks strangely like Michael Phelps it's fun to scream "IS THAT MICHAEL PHELPS!?!?" when you are in Central Park and watch all the tourists freak out.
3. When it's twenty degrees, raining and windy, Starbucks caramel macchiatos are simply H-E-A-V-E-N.
4. Some of the friendliest people are the ones you meet in the subway or on Wall Street on rainy mornings.
5. The best directions come from those who speak the same language you do.
6. If a purse vendor tells you to "get these purses before the police do" that usually means that they aren't the legal kind...
7. When you ask God for opportunities to witness He isn't going to leave you hanging :)
8. You don't really know what turbulence is until the flight attendants start buckling their seatbelts.
9. The Toys R Us inside of Times Square has a ferris wheel inside of it.
10. Mr. Softee's ice cream is in a league of it's own.
This is probably one of my favorite posts so far! I loved your realizations list and of course the story about memphis! You are one incredible girl and I'm glad you started writing again. If your not already working on a book...you should be.
oh my word..i just read this and about DIED laughing..haha..MR. SOFTEE!! he is totally taken..by both of us!! haha..and yes!! the purses..man..what a night..that was incredible..i carry mine everywhere!! i miss those days..we had such an amazing week!! i miss you and love you beautiful girl..my bunk heart to heart buddy!! haha..xoxo Linds
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