Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm Writing a Book.

I believe in crazy things.  I believe in a God whose love is beyond all understanding. A God who is jealous for the hearts of His children and a God who saves, a God who redeems. Sometimes I mess up. Sometimes I am a rude, selfish, chauvinist pig. Sometimes I care more about what the world thinks about me than what God thinks and on those days I usually have to pray for forgiveness and go to bed early. Sometimes I get caught up in meaningless trends and worldly concepts and hurt others in the process. The worst times are those when it becomes to late for an apology and I have to live with my mistakes. But no matter what it’s never too late with God. He listens to me when everyone else is sick and tired of hearing my crazy ideas and it’s never to late at night or to early in the morning to talk to Him. I think I'm going to write a book.


Lindsey said...

I'm fully supporting you girl. If I was a publisher...i would publish your book. I'll be first in line to get an qutgraphed copy. : ) praying for you!

Unknown said...

FINALLY!!! I'M SO BUYING IT!!! You are an incredible writer and I will buy anything with your name on it. That is so cool. God bless.