Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jesus Freaks

I've been reading the book Jesus Freaks by dc Talk and it is incredible! It's about martyrs both from the Bible and modern day. It's crazy how when people have nothing they embrace the gospel much easier than those of us living in the top two percent of the world. I heard a speaker recently who called out Christians who lived no differently than non-Christians. At first I was skeptical but then it really hit me. If we are trying to convince people that they need Jesus then we need to live like we do. We need to live walking by faith day by day. Hour by hour, depending completely on Jesus Christ. It's hard to tell people that they're missing something when your lifestyles are identical. That makes me want to live completely different. Shouldn't everyone want to?

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I haven't read "Jesus Freaks" yet, but i've been reading another book by Voice of the Martyrs called "Hearts of Fire" and it is about 8 different courageous women who faced or are facing persicution as Christians in other countries. It is really good and puts everything in perspective.